Early Childhood Educator Assistant
Employer: Jitterbugs Childcare Inc
Number of vacancies: 1
Job/Employer Address: 3495 Empress Avenue Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L5
Position: Full time/Permanent
Salary: 22.00 Hourly
Hours: 40 per week
Start Date: As soon as possible
Education: Secondary School
Language: English
Experience: One Year Experience in child care
Job Duties:
- Assist Early Childhood Educator to coordinate supervise with kids activities and organize events with other co-workers
- Assist Early Childhood Educator in developing proper eating, dressing and developing bathroom habits of kids.
- Assist Early Childhood Educator with guidance to kids with both indoor and outdoor activities including special events and daily activities.
- Maintain a positive, calm attitude to parents
- Maintain daycare equipment and housekeeping duties.
- Assist in keeping record.
- Attend staff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children.
To Apply E-mail: jitterbugschildcare@gmail.com
*** no phone calls or walk in, shortlisted candidates will be contacted via e-mail***